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Bad Managers Make Misbehavin' Employees

There are things that bad managers do that can push employees including those who were usually described as "dedicated workers" to misbehave at work. Authoritarian managers most often apply Machiavellian techniques to make employees become more productive at work, but what these managers do not realize is that a manager-employee relationship built on mistrust and negativity will only result to disharmony in the workplace. As a consequence, many of those employees who have contributed valuable work and exhibited exemplary work performance tend to leave the company despite the high pay and extra benefits. Employees are humans, too, and shouldn't be treated as machines that mindlessly produce for the company's financial gains.

An article by Cyndi Maxey on the "Top Ten Things Bad Managers Do" has detailed those wrong notions employers have on treating their employees. A lot have applied those same things with arrogance and stubbornness. Bad managers have this unbreakable belief that what they are doing is right and they are so optimistic in getting results from it. Hah! Such ignorance of human beings is ridiculous in someone who is expected to manage human worker bees everyday.

So what happens when bad managers manage? This results to employees misbehaving at work! Gossiping, backstabbing, pilfering, long lunch breaks, and spending more time surfing the net than doing actual work are just some of the things employees do to retaliate against what they perceive as mistreatment from the manager. And when the going gets tough, the employee won't even think twice quitting the job. After all there is no reason to stay in such a terrible working environment.

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